Tales From the Tower Wiki

Locations in Heled

Florentine's Cottage and Observatory
Chapter VI:
Journal of Evil
FlorentineStaff Florentine's Staff
AelfsBreastplate Aelf's Breastplate
VialRed 4 Red Vials
VialGreen 3 Green Vials
Colt-45Magazine 2 Magazines
Map-RaquiaMaze Map of the Raquia Maze
MagnifyingGlass2 Magnifying Glass
EternitySketch2 Sketch of Eternity
Parchment-UnkownPlace2 Sketch of an unknown place
Starchart2 Starchart
FlorentineJournal Florentine's Journal (1st part)
WardrobeKey2 Wardrobe Key
Serpent 1 Serpent Statuette
QuillInk2 Quill & Ink

Florentine's Cottage and Observatory[1] is a complex of several rooms which lies beyond the Caverns. Four of Florentine's Journal entries were written here, dating as far back as the year 1330 and hence give us an idea as to how old this place actually is. The walls of three of the rooms have agitated writings on them which are directed at Florentine.


After successfully manoeuvring over the moving platforms, a stone portal will automatically open in front of us, leading to a dark area that's olfactorily characterized by the foul stench of somebody having died in there. It's a point of no return as the section behind us will collapse, leaving a wall of rubble. Rebecca senses a Power at work, but she can't quite place the source of it, advising us to be careful. And infact, as our attention is drawn closer to the AelfsBreastplate Breastplate in the back, an Urge URGWLK8 will spawn from the pentagrammic zone-marker sneakily placed in front of the cuirass. Picking up the afore-mentioned piece of armour triggers a cutscene, cutscene Aelf - First Legacy, in which we meet Aelf again, telling us that his Cuirass "will prove sovereign against both spear and dagger; against the ungodly, it will shield the heart and ward the soul." After he vanishes, we're confronted with two minor Yielders and another Urge, after which we gladly take the two VialRed red potions Aelf left for us.

Moving up the staircase, we eventually reach Florentine's ancient Cottage. Throughout this whole place we can hear the sound of rain.
The first room we enter supposedly was used as a pantry of sorts.[2] More water dripping from the ceiling, various empty crates, and a wall of cryptic text. Surprisingly, the light's still working in here. Leaving through one of the two doors at our disposal, we enter a red-carpeted corridor with a lot of empty frames and are welcomed by a new type of enemy, a so-called FENTWLK1 Feint, wielding various blade weapons and having the convenient flaw of being very noisy, so we can brace ourselves in advance. From another crate we pick up 2 Colt-45Magazine Magazines of Colt-45 ammunition.

Pantry and Study
The next room we enter was apparently used as a study.[3] The blood-red wallpaper has a rather unsettling appearance, and on one of the walls we find more of that puzzling and agitated writing. From the small bureau by the second entrance, we gather an exquisitely worked MagnifyingGlass2 Magnifying Glass and a EternitySketch2 Sketch of a Sword, with an ink smudge on the pummel. On the writing table we find the Map-RaquiaMaze Map of the Raquia Maze, which will prove quite useful to us once we set foot into the Realm of Spirit, Raquia. A habit we've become quite familiar with by now is to check the headpiece of bookcases, and in this case we're rewarded with another VialRed red potion. Other than the painting of PaintingFlorentineObservatory Florentine depicted as a sorceror with a peculiar staff, giving us another taste of his latent narcissism, there's nothing left to attract our attention, hence we make off through the afore-mentioned second door at our disposal, leading us straight into Florentine's old bedchamber.

Some of the green wallpaper has been ripped off in favour of adding more agitated writing, Adam wonders what could have burnt this into the wall with such precision. Under the filthy bed we discover the FlorentineStaff Staff we've seen just before on the painting of Florentine. It's a rather ornate walking stick with an impressive green jewel and gold worked into the head-piece, reminding Adam of the CharlesRandallChain necklace he saw around his father's neck. According to Rebecca's musings, it seems to be magically charged in some way, potentially related to movement, though the use could be limited. As a matter of fact, Florentine's Staff can be primarily used as a device to travel between various parts in the Mansion. Using it on the left side of the Sarcophagus in the Study, will get us teleported back to the Observatory. Using the Staff on the right side of the Sarcophagus, will conveniently send us back to to the Mausoleum where we met Aelf for the first time (a useful shortcut in case we forgot to pick up the Serpent Serpent Statuette that's hidden in one of the alcoves).
Inside an old suitcase we find 1 VialGreen green and 1 VialRed red potion. Nothing too particular about this room, other than an empty bookcase, dead planters, and to the right side of the bed a large wooden wardrobe with empty closets and coat hangers, in which we spot a small door, for which we'll have to acquire a key first. One of the doors at our disposal leads us to a dysfunctional tower gate and a lot of dead rats scattered all over it. Taking the other remaining exit, we find ourselves back in the red-carpeted corridor, and proceed straight forward through another door leading into a dark room in which we're confronted with another Urge. There are two more VialGreen green potions for us to take from the otherwise empty crates.

Having explored all the rooms at our disposal, it's time to move up the red-carpeted staircase leading to a large empty room that's mainly characterised by the unnerving flickering lights and the quartet of URGWLK8 Urges, out to obliterate us. After dealing with them, we eventually reach the actual Observatory, with another FENTWLK1 Feint to welcome us.


STAR.midwall starchamber
STARTY.midwall starchamber

Switching on the light to explore the extensive confines of the actual Observatory, we find that the window side contains a planetary star chamber of sorts, granting us an awe-inspiring vista of the black, starry sky. Additionally and expectedly, the room is filled with various telescopes, but our attention is soon grasped by the writing table in the centre, with an overturned chair beside it. In addition to QuillInk2 an Inkwell and a Quill with golden nib, we collect a Parchment-UnkownPlace2 Sketch of a place we've not yet come across, as well as a Starchart2 Starchart with particular emphasis on Venus. Rebecca mentions the planet's cognomen "Morning Star" and goes on to explain that the planet marks Lucifer in the sky.

Elaborating on the word's etymology, "Lucifer" (from the Latin lux, gen. lucis, "light", and ferre, "to bear, bring") can be translated as "Light-bearer" . In Christian theology, the term's "Lucifer" has come to be associated with Satan as the fallen "son of the dawn"[4]. In the latter passage the title of "Morning Star" is given to the tyrannous Babylonian king, who the prophet says is destined to fall. This passage was later applied to the prince of the demons, and so the name "Lucifer" came to be used for Satan, and was popularized in works such as Dante's Inferno and Milton's Paradise Lost, while one of the greatest influence (at least on English speakers) certainly has been its use in the King James Version of the Bible (more modern English versions translate the term as "Morning Star" or "Day Star"). The word "Lucifer" has also frequently been used by early Latin writers such as Cicero[5], Pliny the Elder[6], Vergil[7], and Statius[8].

On the writing table we also find the first part of Florentine's leather-bound and embossed Journal. Following Rebecca's valuable advise to go through it thoroughly and systemically yields us a WardrobeKey2 silver key that's been hidden between the pages, which will allow us to open the small locked door on the large wardrobe we've previously inspected in Florentine's old Bedchamber. The first book's main subjects are the Gardeners (Raphael, the Tower's guide, being one of them), the "One Power", as well as the Temple of the Morning Star (the Order established by Florentine). After taking a look at the various TEL1.telescope telescopes and the star chamber, we thus head off back to the afore-mentioned bedroom and find the last required Serpent Serpent Statuette. Backtracking all the way back to the dark chamber in which we picked up Aelf's Breastplate, we happen upon a small wooden door, behind which we find a brightly illuminated tower gate and a spot to use Florentine's Staff, conveniently teleporting us to the Study and initiating Chapter VII: Beyond the Gate. If you wish to follow this walkthrough chronologically, please click on the mask icon to continue reading the segment in which we place the Serpent Statuettes and explore what's beyond the Sarcophagus.


The Writings on the Walls[]

First Message in the Pantry[]


The mind is stronger than most would believe, Florentine, far stronger. In the whole, it is man's mind that forms the creatures he sees around him. His thoughts and hitherto his creation thoughts move like waters against the rock like at the clay wheel, forging and creating the shadows they see around them; shadows of light, shadows of darkness, shadows from the soul. The minds that are strong whether in virtue or flaw - create these shadows, the minions of all darkness and the avatars of all that is light. These creatures are the manifestation of the mind. They are whole only by man's thoughts and the strongest of minds will create the purest of both. So do not say that these creatures are otherworldly for they are not. They are part of man as he is part of them. The projections of powerful minds.

For the German translation, please click on the Expand command.

Gedanken sind mächtiger als man glaubt, Florentine, viel mächtiger. Es sind die Gedanken des Menschen, die die Kreauren formen, von denen er umringt ist - sie sind seine Schöpfung. Gedanken bewegen sich weg wie das Wasser, das gegen Felsen prallt, wie die Hände, die die Töpferscheibe drehen - sie beschwören die Schatten, die sie umgeben, Schatten des Lichts, Schatten der Dunkelheit - Schatten der Seele. Es ist der starke Gedanke - tugendhaft oder auch nicht - der diese Schatten 'ruft': Günstlinge der Dunkelheit, gleichwohl wie Wesen des Lichts. Diese Gestalten sind eine Manifestation der Gedanken. Nur durch die Gedanken der Menschen werden sie zu einem Ganzen und der stärkste Gedanke wird die reinsten Kreaturen erschaffen. Also sage nicht, dass diese Wesen Kreaturen einer anderen Welt seien, denn sie sind es nicht. Sie sind ein Teil der Menschen, so wie die Menschen ein Teil von ihnen sind - eine Projektion mächtiger Gedanken.

Second Message in Florentine's Study[]


So what part I hear you say, Florentine, do the creations you call God and Satan calculate within this equation. Both are present but both are without. These powers are the centre of this world. It would be pointless to say otherwise. These powers are the sum total of man's thoughts, without form for they are not fully conceived. They constantly germinate and die within the Soulstone. They vie for the thoughts of man and when one becomes the stronger it will take on a form and come again into this Realm. So you see, both these powers are the sum total of this world at any one time and until now have shared this place. But not for much longer, this world in which you live is becoming corrupt and the pure thoughts of men are dwindling fast. It is to the dark side of man's mind that the path is leading, the road which is even now forming the future. Two will come Florentine, two men...

For the German translation, please click on the Expand command.

Was auch immer man dir sonst erzählen möge, Florentine, schätze die Wesen, die du Gott und Satan nennst, nach diesen beiden Gesichtspunkten ein: Beide existiere,jedoch sind sie ohne den andern wertlos. Zusammen bilden diese beiden Mäche das Zentrum der Welt, es wäre Irrsinn, etwas anderes zu behaupten. Sie vereinen die Summe aller menschlichen Gedanken auf sich, wenn sie auch formlos sind, denn niemand hat sie je selbst gesehene. Der Seelenstein ist Schauplatz ihres ständigen Sterbens und Wiederauferstehens, sie kämpfen um die Gunst der menschlichen Gedanken und sobald einer von ihnen die Oberand gewinnt, wird er Gestalt annehmen und in dieses Reich zurückkehren. Du siehst also, zu jeder Zeit bilden beide Mächte zusammen die Gesamtheit dieser Welt und bisher haben sie sich diesen PLatz auch geteilt, doch das wird nicht mehr lange so sein. Diese Welt, in der du lbst, verfällt immer mehr und die Zahl der Menschen mit reinen Gedanken schwindet zusehends. Der Weg führt auf die dunkle Seite der menschlichen Gedanken. Ein Weg, der schon jetzt die Zukunf beschreibt. Zwei werden kommen, zwei Männer.

Third Message in Florentine's Bedchamber[]


Their names are Gaul and Hawk, Florentine, timeless creatures who will focus the thoughts of man and make them substance through the Soulstone. One is pure and without sin, the Other he is man's wickedness. These two creatures have fought for dominion for countless eternities since the Soulstone fell to this world. But it is here, within and above this place, that the final battle will be fought. The battle that will dictate the eternal future of all mankind. Who will win I cannot say but the strongest will be the reflection of man's thoughts at that juncture. They are coming, Florentine. They are coming to this place, the Seals that you have broken that once hid the Soulstone have awakened them and alerted them to the stone. You have brought the last battle too soon, Florentine, and the universal balance has been shifted. Upon the four wings they come: Gaul and Hawk...
...The final battle.
Florentine, you are a fool!

For the German translation, please click on the Expand command.

Ihre Namen lauten Gaul und Hawk, Florentine. Zeitlose Wesen, die ihre Aufmerksamkeit den Gedanken der Menschen widmen und sie mit Hilfe des Seelensteins zu Materie machen. Der eine ist rein und frei von Sünde. Der andere steht für die [Verderbtheit] der Menschen. Diese beiden Wesen kämpfen seit ewigen Zeiten um die Herrschaft, seit der Seelenstein auf diese Welt gelangt ist. Doch es wird eben hier sein, an und über diesem Ort, wo sie den letzten Kampf austragen werden, den Kampf, der über die Zukunft der gesamten Menschheit entscheiden wird. Ich weiss nicht, wer gewinnen wird, aber der Stärkere wird zu diesem Zeitpunkt die Gedanken der Menschen auf seiner Seite haben. Sie kommen, Florentine, sie sind schon auf dem Weg hierher. Die Siegel, welche einst im Seelenstein verborgen waren und die du gebrochen hast, haben sie geweckt und zu dem Stein geführt. Du hast den letzten Kampf zu früh beginnen lassen, Florentine, und so das Gleichgewicht des Universums verschoben. Sie kommen mit den vier Winden [rather: auf den vier Schwingen], Gaul und Hawk, der letzte Kampf. Florentine, du bist ein Narr!


Adam: All the charts in the observatory show Venus.
Rebecca: Venus.... Ah yes, the Morning Star. It's another name for Venus.



  1. While Florentine calls it Temple Cottage (in the German edition, it's translated as 'Gästehaus', that is Guesthouse) in his Journal, in an entry dated 1420, this area is also referred to as "ancient cottage" in the official solution by Interplay, the game's publisher:

    The key opens a door across the corridor from the Shrine. Through this door you will find a lever. This moves a series of crates to reveal the next point of egress, a hidden doorway leading down into the caverns - which leads to Florentine's ancient cottage and observatory. Collect the hidden ammo behind the door.

  2. The Wall of Writing texture for this specific room is named "PANRIT.pantry writing.bmp"
  3. The Wall of Writing texture for this specific room is named "PANRIT2.study writing.bmp"
  4. Isaiah 14:12
  5. De Natura Deorum 2, 20, 53
  6. Natural History 2, 36
  7. Georgics 3:324-325
  8. Thebaid (Latin poem) 2, 134-150